I discovered this accidentally as I was looking for flowers still in bloom after the frost at City Park in Paso Robles. I was parked almost next to Studios on the Park and decided to photograph the Christmas window. Then I noticed Anne Laddon moving around in her studio behind the window. I thought maybe she was just working behind locked doors. But then I saw this:
Of course, once I discovered the door was open I went in. Evidently I’m not the only one who hadn’t realized it was open. It was almost empty. Only a few of the artists were there, and some studios were closed. I peaked in at Anne Laddon just after arriving inside. Look at that smile! And look at all the lovely paintings on the walls that would look very nice under someone’s Christmas tree.
This is a great week to see the exhibits at Studios on the Park. It’s not crowded. You can actually see the walls. Normally when I go there are crowds and it’s sometimes hard to see the paintings for the people. No problem today. It’s a great place to go Christmas shopping in peace and find unique gifts for special people. There are many different art forms, including jewelry, and even blank art greeting cards. If you go to the back gallery, there is a rack of contest-winning postcards — many of local scenes. You won’t find these at the drug stores!
Now that you know Studios on the Park is open this week before Christmas, why not stop in and look around? If you’ve not been there yet, it’s on Pine Street, across from the park. For hours this week, call 805.238.9800. The Studios will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so come earlier in the week. Watch your local artists at work, ask them questions, and buy their works of art. Then everyone will have a Merry Christmas — you, the people you gift, and the artists.