Celebrate liberty and America’s birthday throughout North San Luis Obispo County. All events are listed here for Atsacadero, Templeton, and Paso Robles. Enjoy.
Find out how you can help defend rural property owners who produce your food and patronize your businesses. New laws and regulations — many written by unelected state and county boards, could put small farms out of business, raise prices of locally grown food, or force rural property owners from their land. See what you can do to help.
If you’re a farmer or rancher or enjoying a rural lifestyle, your way of life may be about to change. The federal government is putting more and more restrictions on rural land use, and in some cases even taking some private land for their own uses without just compensation. Learn how you can protect yourself by being proactive.
Don’t miss your opportunity to get informed on important national and local issues at the San Luis Obispo CountyTea Party Rally on Sunday afternoon, April 15 , from 1-3. You will meet Shannon Grove, a member of the California State Assembly from Bakersfield who is working on an initiative for a parttime California Legislature. Be sure to sign a petition to get this on the ballot before you leave the Rally.
Do you know what your local government is up to? Do you care? Maybe it’s time to pay attention if you value your way of life and your freedom. These people determine how you can use your land, whether your well can be regulated and how, whether you need to prevent rain and sprinkler water from running off your property into the street, where your trash cans can be stored, when you water your lawn and wash your car, and a number of other things. They also determine how your tax money is spent. They are currently trying to implement U.N. Agenda 21. Heard of it? If not, it’s time to inform yourself.
Do you think justice was served in the California Valley torture case? Do you feel safer now?
Are you aware that your local government officials are quietly implementing the goal of Agenda 21 in your city and county. That means the United Nations has more influence over the regulations being proposed where you live than you do, unless you learn how to fight it. You can learn that on Monday, Feb 13, 6 PM.
What do you think of proposed preemptive ordinances that could force people who own dogs to upgrade their fencing because of complaints that the dogs might be aggressive, even though no one has been attacked or hurt?
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