Celebrate liberty and America’s birthday throughout North San Luis Obispo County. All events are listed here for Atsacadero, Templeton, and Paso Robles. Enjoy.
Find out how you can help defend rural property owners who produce your food and patronize your businesses. New laws and regulations — many written by unelected state and county boards, could put small farms out of business, raise prices of locally grown food, or force rural property owners from their land. See what you can do to help.
Do you keep tabs on what the Paso Robles City Council does that might affect you? Are you aware of all the new ordinances that get passed or proposed each time it meets? Here’s what happened on September 18, 2012. Many citizens are not happy campers today.
If you’re a farmer or rancher or enjoying a rural lifestyle, your way of life may be about to change. The federal government is putting more and more restrictions on rural land use, and in some cases even taking some private land for their own uses without just compensation. Learn how you can protect yourself by being proactive.
Urgent action is needed to protect your first amendment rights in San Luis Obispo County.
This contains information on the People’s Choice awards for the Second Phantom Gallery Show in San Luis Obispo county in Paso Robles. It ended on June 2, 2012.
Don’t miss the video collage I made of the 2012 Paso Robles Festival of the Arts. I’ve introduced it with the link, here.
The 2012 Paso Robles Festival of the Arts has now vacated City Park for another year, and I’ve done my best to preserve some of it for you. In this post I will concentrate on the Children’s Area and the sculpture I saw. If you did not see enough Sculpture here, you have a chance to see more before and on June 2, 2012 at the Phantom 2 exhibit.
This is the weekend (May 25-27) to celebrate the arts at The Annual Paso Robles Festival of the Arts. I went to the “Don’t Feed the Artists” discussion in the library conference room this afternoon, but the main events are still to come tomorrow at City Park, and they are free to attend. Don’t miss them. Bring the kids and they will be exposed to fun art activities in their own corner of the park.
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